Tesfaye Mehari Atnafu

Full Name Tesfaye Mehari Atnafu
Academic Rank      Lecturer
Educational Background
  •  MSc in Mineral Exploration from Addis Ababa University (October 2014-December 2016)
  • BSc in Applied Geology from Arba Minch University (September 2007-September 2010
Work Experience
  • Graduate Assistance II at Haramaya University (September 2011-September 2013
  • Lecturer at Haramaya University (2018-2021)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (October 2022 to present)
Research Interest
  •  Any research related to Earth Sciences


  Injibara University

College of Natural and Computational Sciences

Department of Geology

Office: New

Phone: +251-912460199

Email: tsfmehari34@gmail.com