Melkamu Belayneh Beyene

Full Name Melkamu Belayneh Beyene
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  •   B.Sc. in Physics from Bahir Dar University ( may 23,2014 to June 21, 2017
  •   M.Sc. in Quantum Physics from Bahir Dar University (2017-July 18, 2019)
Work Experience
  •   Lecturer at Mizan Tepi University (September 17, 2019 G.C to October 20, 2022 G.C )
  •   Lecturer at Injibara University (October 24, 2022 G.C to present
Research Interest
  •   In Photonics and plasmonics
  •   Application of Nanomaterial
Address Injibara University ,College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Department of Physics, Office : 103

Tel : +251918131642
